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GeneVerify Prostate Cancer Genes Test: It is a qRT-PCR based technology that analyzes 10 different prostate cancer-associated genes that are involved in initiation, progression and metastasis of prostate cancer for providing scientific basis for risk assessment of prostate cancer. It may be used five folds. This is a complete kit. All you need is a sample (blood, urine, body fluid, cell free RNA, circulating RNA, exosomal RNA, circulating tumor cell RNA, paraffin embedded tissue RNA, tissue biopsy, frozen tissues, formalin fixed tissues, and fresh tissues). These are simple RT-PCR based tests and can easily be done in any laboratory with PCR machines.
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GeneVerify Prostate Cancer Genes Test: It is a simple qRT-PCR based technology that analyzes 10 different prostate cancer-associated genes that are involved in initiation, progression and metastasis of prostate cancer for providing scientific basis for risk assessment of prostate cancer. It may be used five fold.
First: To diagnose very early stage prostate cancer when pathological and clinical findings fail to detect cancer. Based on the recent publications 35% of patients that are normal pathologically and clinically, in fact have cancer based on genetic testing. Most patients die of cancer due to metastasis and if detected early 90% cancer patients can be cured or prolong their lives.
Second: In the initial clinical diagnosis, if the prostate is enlarged, we do not know whether it is BPH or cancer. Standard diagnosis is biopsy based pathological analysis that is an intense and painful procedure. We can use gene based analysis to detect the presence of cancer that would avoid biopsies.
Third: To identify whether a tumor is aggressive or slow growing (based on genetic profiling) and thus, provide better decisions by surgeons for surgery or active surveillance. Based on published data, 50% of surgeries that we do on newly diagnosed prostate cancer may not be required since it is misdiagnosed. This may avoid 50% of the surgeries that may not be required since the tumor is slow growing (based on genetic profiling) and patients can be on active surveillance or watchful waiting.
Fourth: After surgery, whether the tumor is aggressive or slow growing based on the gene profiling and thus oncologists can provide better strategies for the treatment of prostate cancer. If a tumor is aggressive then more aggressive treatments are needed. If the tumor is slow growing then less aggressive intervention is required. Most patients die due to aggressive treatments that may not be required if the tumor is slow growing.
Fifth: Based on the gene profiling, oncologists can monitor whether the treatments are effective. If tumor cells are dying due to treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, combination), then oncogenes should go down or not present in the body. There is no other test to monitor whether these treatments are failing or effective. Our genetic testing will closely monitor effectiveness of these very expensive therapies. This will save lives of many patients by undue treatments and save millions of dollars since these therapies may not be working.
Therefore, the major advantages are early diagnosis, prognosis, avoidance of surgery and monitoring of various treatments. Currently, such genetic testing is lacking and thus this test may provide a solid scientific basis for the best management of prostate cancer.
This is a complete kit (three kits, RNA extraction kit, RT Kit and PCR kit for 50 samples with 720 reactions). All you need is a sample (blood, urine, body fluid, cell free RNA, circulating RNA, exosomal RNA, circulating tumor cell RNA, paraffin embedded tissue RNA, tissue biopsy, frozen tissues, formalin fixed tissues, and fresh tissues). These are simple RT-PCR based tests and can easily be done in any laboratory with PCR machines.
There is no other company in the world with such test kits and thus our reagents are very unique, unparalleled, US patented and most affordable.